my account
Special offer for private class students includes language exchanges, group classes & dance socials if you purchase 10 hours or more (click here to view special offer)
✔ Free Event Pass (new students only)
If you purchase a package of 1-9 Private Class hours, you will receive free entry for 1 Group Class (valid for 30 calendar days beginning on purchase date)
✔ Free Limited Membership
If you purchase a package of 10-19 Private Classes hours, you will receive free entry for up to 10 Group Classes (valid for 30 calendar days beginning on purchase date)
✔ Free Full Membership ✨
If you purchase a package of 20 or more Private Class hours, you will receive free entry for unlimited Group Classes (valid for 30 calendar days beginning on purchase date)
Offer Details
When you use your event pass or membership, you may enter the event for free. Events that you may use your event pass or membership for include all of the following (excluding events designated as "Special Event" on our calendar and Private Classes):
- Events every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday that include a Group Dance Class from 8:00-9:30pm (Salsa on Mondays and Wednesdays, Bachata on Tuesdays) with 3 simultaneous levels (new to beginner, beginner to intermediate, intermediate to advanced) and a Dance Practice until 10:30pm.
- Events every Thursday, Friday and Saturday that include a Language Exchange from 6:30-8:00pm, one or more Group Dance Classes from 8:15-9:30pm (see rhythm and level of each class on our calendar), and Bar/Social 9:30pm and after with 2 rooms: (1) 100% Salsa, (2) 100% Bachata.
To view our calendar, click here.
To enter an event using an event pass or membership, you must present a valid, government-issued photo ID at the reception. Free event passes and memberships begin on the purchase date of the Private Class hours, have no cash value, may not be exchanged for any other type of service or product, and may only be used by the student(s) the Private Class hours were purchased for. You may not share your event pass or membership. For the purchase of 1-9 Private Class hours, only new students (students who have never been scheduled for a Private Class by DANCEFREE) will be elegible for the offer. For the purchase of Private Class hours for 2 students, each eligible student will receive the offer. For the purchase of Private Class hours for 3 or more students, the purchaser may select up to 2 eligible students (of the students the Private Class hours were purchased for) to receive the offer. Offer applies to each Private Class hours purchase and purchases may not be combined for this offer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. DANCEFREE reserves the right to end or change this offer at any time.
Antes de utilizar "Mi cuenta", ingresa tu info de contacto en para que podamos enviarte por correo electrónico tus recibos de compra y programar clases para ti (tu nombre completo debe ser como aparece en tu documento de identidad).
para ver tu cuenta:
Haz clic en "Mi cuenta"
Cuando se te pregunta, "¿Ya te registraste con nosotros?", haz clic en "Sí".
Inicia sesión
Usa "Mi cuenta" para ver tus pedidos, citas, saldo y más en cualquier momento.
Para verificar la exactitud de tus citas:
Todas las citas ya programadas aparecerán inmediatamente en tu cuenta.
Cada vez que programamos una cita para ti, te enviamos automáticamente por correo electrónico un recordatorio de calendario para la nueva cita dentro de 15 minutos.
La primera vez que uses "Mi cuenta", se te pedirá que crees una contraseña para que nadie más pueda ver tu info.
"Mi cuenta" es actualmente solo para adultos (18 años o más).