Animal Adoption in San Bernardino, California, United States

Below is a list of animal adoption services in San Bernardino, California, United States:

  • Devore Animal Shelter

[Address: 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino, CA 92407; Telephone: +1 909 386 98 20; Business Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10AM to 6:30PM / Wednesday, 10AM to 7PM / Saturday to Sunday, 10AM to 5PM; Website:; Facebook: Devore-Animal-Shelter]

  • Great Pyrenees Association

[Address: 18122 Rancho Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92407; Telephone: +1 909 887 82 01; Website:; Facebook: GPARSC; Email:]

  • Humane Society

[Address: 374 West Orange Show Road, San Bernardino, CA 92408; Telephone: +1 909 386 14 00; Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM; Website:; Facebook: hssbv; Instagram: humane_society_sbvalley]

  • PetSmart

[Website:,; Facebook: PetSmart; Instagram: petsmart]

  • San Bernardino Animal Control

[Address: 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, CA 92408; Telephone: +1 909 384 13 04; Business Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10AM to 5PM; Website:]