Physical Therapists & Physical Therapy in Fairfield, California, United States

Below is a list of services for physical therapists & physical therapy in Fairfield, California, United States:

  • Aaron B. Goetz

[Address: 3001 Dover Avenue, Fairfield, CA 94533; Telephone: +1 707 428 13 11]

  • Body in Balance Physical Therapy Inc.

[Address: 222 Acacia Street, Fairfield, CA 94533; Telephone: +1 707 421 20 95; Business Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8AM to 6PM / Friday, 8AM to 5PM; Website:; Facebook: Body-in-Balance-Physical-Therapy; Email:]

  • Kristen Galione

[Address: 2702 Low Court, Fairfield, CA 94534; Telephone: +1 707 432 26 00]

  • VibrantCare Rehabilitation

[Address: 1411 Oliver Road, Suite 200, Fairfield, CA 94534; Telephone: +1 707 428 13 11; Website:,; Email:]